Vacanti Shattuck Attorneys

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7 Pitfalls To Avoid When Facing Divorce

So, you’ve been served with divorce papers. Now what, right? Whether you saw it coming or not, you have several things to worry about… Responding to the accusations in the lawsuit Dealing with all of the emotions involved Deciding on whether to get legal help through all of this Figuring out how the finances of this will all work Worrying about your kids…and the list goes on and on…. 7 Common Divorce Lawsuit Mistakes A great attorney will help you avoid all possible divorce lawsuit pitfalls. Here are just a few that you will want to keep in mind and discuss with your… Read More

5 Reasons Filing For Divorce First Could Be Crucial For Your Case

The time has come, you’ve made the decision: your marriage is over, you have accepted it and are now ready for the next step. Divorce! However, who should file? Should you? Should your spouse? As with most major advancements throughout life there are advantages to making the first move in your divorce journey. The below five advantages may be the little extra leverage you need to get through your divorce successfully. 1) JURISDICTION If you and your spouse are residing in different districts or states, the person who files first may control the Jurisdiction of the case, unless you have children… Read More

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