Vacanti | Shattuck | Finocchiaro Attorneys


Navigating The Legal Challenges Fathers Face In Custody Battles

Published On: October 2, 2024

There’s a common perception, often fueled by media portrayals, that fathers are at a disadvantage in custody battles after a divorce. Fortunately, this isn’t automatically true. This article will help you understand how to hold your ground and even win custody disputes in Nebraska, covering: How to prove your parental fitness during custody battles. How to handle false accusations during custody conflicts.  How to prepare for custody mediation.  Is There A Gender Bias Against Fathers In Nebraska Child Custody Cases? While there may have been a time when courts tended to favor the mother’s position in custody cases, this is… Read More

7 Pitfalls To Avoid When Facing Divorce

Published On: January 24, 2017

So, you’ve been served with divorce papers. Now what, right? Whether you saw it coming or not, you have several things to worry about… Responding to the accusations in the lawsuit Dealing with all of the emotions involved Deciding on whether to get legal help through all of this Figuring out how the finances of this will all work Worrying about your kids…and the list goes on and on…. 7 Common Divorce Lawsuit Mistakes A great attorney will help you avoid all possible divorce lawsuit pitfalls. Here are just a few that you will want to keep in mind and discuss with your… Read More

5 Reasons Filing For Divorce First Could Be Crucial For Your Case

Published On: January 24, 2017

The time has come, you’ve made the decision: your marriage is over, you have accepted it and are now ready for the next step. Divorce! However, who should file? Should you? Should your spouse? As with most major advancements throughout life there are advantages to making the first move in your divorce journey. The below five advantages may be the little extra leverage you need to get through your divorce successfully. 1) JURISDICTION If you and your spouse are residing in different districts or states, the person who files first may control the Jurisdiction of the case, unless you have children… Read More

To File Or To Be Served?

Published On: September 5, 2016

The time has come, you’ve made the decision: your marriage is over, you have accepted it and are now ready for the next step. Divorce! However, who should file? Should you? Should your spouse? As with most major advancements throughout life there are advantages to making the first move in your divorce journey. These small advantages may be the little extra leverage you need to get through your divorce successfully. 1) Jurisdiction: If you and your spouse are residing in different districts or states, the person who files first may control the Jurisdiction of the case, unless you have children… Read More

Domestic Violence

Published On: March 30, 2016

Did you know that a Centers for Disease Control survey shows more than 1 in 4 men will be victims of domestic abuse during their lifetimes. Click Here to download PDF. Domestic abuse is an equal opportunity offense that we see in our practice and that may have significant impact on how a divorce or custody case is decided. We encourage victims of both sexes to seek professional advice. If you believe you have experienced domestic violence, the attorney’s at Vacanti Shattuck Finocchiaro Attorneys are here to help you through this frightening and often embarrassing ordeal and help you regain control of… Read More

Reimbursement For Uncovered Medical Bills

Published On: September 22, 2015

If decree states they need to provide medical receipts, don’t pay without proof. Recently had a case where mom had saved up medical bills for 10 years and was requesting a significant amount of money. My client was more than willing to pay for any medical bills, once he received proof. She refused to give proof and even admitted at trial she did not try to find any. The Judge found she needed to provide proof, even if, the requests were a very conservative number.

Acknowledgment Of Paternity

Published On: February 25, 2015

When someone signs the acknowledgment they become the legal father regardless of any genetic test, which also means, he is responsible for child support, daycare and medical expenses. These are only used when the parties are not married. You only get 60 days to rescind the acknowledgment. Do not sign the acknowledgement without a paternity test. If you sign one, try to get to a testing center with your child and get one done after the fact. If needed take the child during your parenting time without the mother’s knowledge. It is simpler and will save a lot more money… Read More

Shared Residential Custody (I.E. Joint Physical Custody)

Published On: February 23, 2015

Linda Nielsen’s recent review of shared residential custody (i.e. joint physical custody) research published in the American Journal of Family Law reached four general conclusions: Most children fare as well or better than those raised in maternal residence, especially in terms of the quality and endurance in their relationship with their fathers. Parents do not need to be exceptionally cooperative, without conflict, wealthy, well educated, or mutually enthusiastic about sharing the residential parenting in order for the children to benefit. Young adults who have lived in these families say that this arrangement was in their best interest, in contrast with those that… Read More

Protecting Children Of Divorce During The Holidays

Published On: December 25, 2014

The Christmas holidays are supposed to be a great time for children. Aside from the gifts that they will receive, they have a chance to see relatives, they can enjoy unique Christmas treats and of course, they are out of school (for those who are of that age). However, for children of parents who are going through a divorce, all the festive tidings and good cheer may be irrelevant. The difficulties of divorce and child custody battles may be harmful to children, but these things can be avoided. This post will provide some guidance. Seek alternatives to litigation – Indeed, there will… Read More

5 Reasons To Hire A Divorce Lawyer Instead Of Doing It Online

Published On: April 11, 2014

Technology can be great for grocery shopping or food deliveries, especially for those of us who appreciate convenience. However, it may not be the best tool to use in divorce. Technology can be a great facilitator in a number of circumstances, but its features aren’t meant to handle a process as complicated as divorce. Here are five reasons why it may be better to hire a lawyer instead of trying to handle it yourself online: 1. Liabilities can be a liability. People always think they know their assets, which, many times, is not the case. Yes, assets may be easy… Read More

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