Vacanti Shattuck Attorneys

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How To Avoid Nuclear Problems In Child Custody Disputes

Although January is the month where the most divorces are initiated during the year, many people who decide to split may do so without considering the effect it will have on school aged children. While a January divorce may signal a new beginning for one parent, it may be awkward for kids who are in the middle of a school year (even though they are ostensibly starting a new semester). Because of this, it is important that parents take their children’s feelings into consideration by thinking critically about the feelings of insecurity, anxiety and guilt that kids may feel as they… Read More

Knowing Your Tax Issues Is Important

The tax filing season is just around the corner. In a few short weeks, millions of Americans will begin receiving tax information from their employers, or they will start the arduous task of figuring out what they owe in taxes (if they are self-employed). For those who are in the midst of a divorce, or have recently completed the process, this tax season will be different. For instance, the typical deductions that you took advantage of in the past may not be available depending on your income and filing status. As such, it is prudent to understand some of the… Read More

Important Considerations In Custody Modification Cases

With this being the second full week of January, many people are still holding true to their New Year’s resolutions. Some may still be eating right (and staying away from sugar), others are still holding to their commitments at the gym, and others are actively looking for that new job. For parents who do not get to see their children as often as they like, seeking a modification to their custody (or parenting time) decree is still an unfinished resolution that may not be seen to fruition. But with some effort and some assistance from an experienced family law attorney, changes can… Read More

Promises Divorcing Parents Should Keep In 2014

January is the symbolic month for New Year’s resolutions. (We call it symbolic because any month can be a catalyst for change). Nevertheless, it is not surprising that gym memberships, weight loss plans and new televisions are peddled more frequently than other months. With the theme of New Year’s resolutions in mind, we find it appropriate to set forth a few resolutions that divorcing parents should try to keep in 2014. Be more sensitive to a child’s feelings – After all, they didn’t choose the life that they are forced to live. Being shuttled between homes, only having short amounts… Read More

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